Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Youth input on Climate Change at UN

Youth United Nations- call for participants

BACKGROUND. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has made working with and for young people a priority in his Five Year Action Agenda. In addition to the appointment of an Envoy on Youth and the creation of a UN Youth Volunteer Programme, the Secretary General has also called for the development of a UN System-wide Action Plan on Youth (Youth SWAP), which aims to strengthen programming and policies on adolescents and youth in regions and countries on five thematic areas: employment, entrepreneurship, political inclusion, civic engagement and protection of rights, education - including comprehensive sexual education, and health.

The above is off their website.

You can virtually attend, video conference or apply for funding (tho it might be getting abit late for that) or you can attend in New York. 

I'd really like to see our young people with a passion for the environment get a more international perspective to bring back and share.  I fully believe you grow when you travel into a higher level of understanding.

How to apply

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