Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who will stand for Council?

Bob Marley said it "Get up Stand Up"

 Who will do it for us?

 Will it be you?

 For the next 2 weeks the door is open for people to nominated to get onto local government in Palmerston North, to be on the City Council & the Regional Council and also the District Health Board...and this applies to all of New Zealand.

 If I wanted to talk to someone in the council, I dont really know who I'd go to. I dont know if they'd listen, if they'd get me or if be able to articulate my views when they go to their meetings and make decisions I have to (mostly) live by.

 So I've decided I'm going to try and talk a few friends into standing for council....and I guess I havent got long.
considering standing for council?

 If you're keen, I'd be keen to  Here's a link to the what-you'll-need-to-know report, hopefully this link works or else just go to the Palmerston North City Council website...currently its on the home page.
pre-election report

This is how many votes people would need.  However its city wide now, not voting by wards.
results from last elections 2010

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