Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where are the science fair entries in Te Reo??

The Manawatu Science and Technology Fair (homepage)
They've been setting up most of today, the amazingly cool science work from kids around this region.

Im leading the team of judges judging the Te Reo Maori section (only 3 entries) and the Mina McKenzie

all the categories and prizes
Mina McKenzie Indigenous Science Prize ($100 voucher)
For the best investigation of some aspect of science related to indigenous cultures
Te Reo Mäori Me Te Pütaiao Prize - He Kupenga Hao I Te Reo Mäori ($200)
For exhibit presented and interviewed in Te Reo Mäori at all levels.

This year we only have 4 entries for the Mina McKenzies Indigenous science prize
and 3 entries for the Te Reo Maori me te putaiao prize.

I've got heaps of photos on my camera but we don't have media release until after the judging- so sorry, but I will when I can.

Where are the entries in te reo?

What is this telling us?
Do we need more science teachers in te reo?  Ok I already know the answer to that. 
Do science teachers need more support? 
How can I do that?
Do they need lesson plans? 
more resources?  Ways to inspire & ignite the students?  

What are Iwi Authorities doing to entice young Maori to explore science and technology? 
Climate change, fracking, fish populations, water issues, drilling, diabetes, health...all political hot buttons for Te Ao Maori and yet I am about to judge just 3.  

Heres a pic of the Te Reo science fair judges

Whaea Kararaina, myself Donna, Todd Taiepa & Robb.  I didnt realise it'd be so hard cos talking with the entrants- they ALL put a lot of work in.

Mihi nui ki a koutou tamariki ma, akuanei ka rongo koutou ko wai ka toa😙

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