Friday, July 26, 2013

Whistling tree frog

Te Manawa has these tree frogs which are quite small. They originally came from Australia but have became naturalised in Manawatu & a couple of other places in New Zealand. I just videoed one eating mealworms. ( I've gotta master all the ways to link & hyperlink & make blogs interesting with the different apps, entities, wireless & other techy considerations before I can get down to nitty gritty issues!).

Here's a very amateurish video I took to show you a frog eating a mealworm.  You can be patient or just skip to about 46 secs.

That said, 

What do you think about having Australian frogs? Should we use them to profile NZ native frogs in a museum ?(frogs world wide are in decline). Is it good to have live Aussie ones to see, but would be good to also have video footage of native frogs? (which are nocturnal- so dont exactly scream visitor experience) or despite their totally unpretentious way- we should only push for natives? 

Theoretically, & perhaps idealistically I might say native, conservation, protection all day... But who would see them? Are the overseas species, showy & exotic drawcards to get people to hear the story of cute little native frogs? 

Does this apply to all species- like birds, reptiles, tropical fish, mammals? 

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